Cam Neely Speaks on Mitchell Miller's Signing and Eventual Release

November 7, 2022  (11:23)

The Boston Bruins' decision to sign Mitchell Miller started off as just another controversy, eventually escalating to the apex of incredulous disaster when the team released his contract last night. The pressure on the club started from square one, but it was Miller's camp itself that is to blame.

Regardless of his actions seven years ago - which were horrible, to be clear - his team's management of the situation can only be described as bumbling and/or inept. Starting with his agent, Eustace King, who filed a statement describing all the good work Miller has done/is doing in order to prove that he has changed. The only problem is, the statement was rife with falsehoods that took the internet a whole two hours to debunk. Next level incompetency.
Boston's President of Hockey Operations Cam Neely spoke with media today in a much anticipated conference, explaining the team's process from signing the 21-year old to subsequently releasing him. During which, the Bruins somehow made themselves look worse here.
Neely's answers were neither convincing nor sufficient in detailing the team's vetting process, and at times Neely was just dodgy.
Full avail here:
In summary, the Bruins initially said they worked on this deal for a year, yet they did not think to reach out to the victim's family, the NHL, or the AHL. The NHL said plainly that Miller was not eligible to play, and the AHL's position - given the unprecedented nature of the situation - was that the league President would have final say. It's not a stretch to assume the AHL's decision would align with the NHL's. So, in that light, the Bruins planted flat on their faces.
This total, unmitigated disaster is nearing an end and could have been avoided by doing the lightest bit of due diligence (like they said they did).
