Owner defiant after USHL team fined for putting players on plane instead of bus

TJ Tucker
November 2, 2022  (11:39)

The owner of the Omaha Lancers of the USHL is making no apologies despite being fined $20,000 by the league. Michael Picozzi said he did what he did with the best interests of his players at heart.

"At the Omaha Lancers, the mental and physical health of our players is paramount,» he said. «No nonsensical rule or politics can alter our decision-making process when it comes to the well-being of our players," said Picozzi.
Picozzi decided to fly his players home from a season-opening tournament rather than having them ride the bus for 28 hours. The USHL has a rule against using planes to transport players, believing it gives those who can afford it a competitive edge and makes player recruitment easier. Picozzi did reach out to the league for an exemption to the rule before he flew his players home. He was denied.
Ironically, the Lancers faced a huge backlash from it's own players last season with some threatening to walk away from the team after travelling home from the same season-opening tournament. Players alleged they were bussed for 18 straight hours by the same drive, breaking federal rules which limit drivers to no more than 10 hours of straight driving. It was also alleged that an assistant coach and trainer with the team had to talk to the driver to ensure she stayed awake, even though she kept insisting she was fine. The league acknowledged issues with the travel situation, but pointed the finger at the bus company. This was just part of the backlash against the Lancers over apparent attempts to cut costs as much as possible without taking into account the wellbeing of players and staff.
"As the revenues went down, it was cut, cut, cut, cut to show the shareholders we were still doing OK" one former Lancers staffer said. "The business side of the team was broken."
Within weeks of those allegations, Picozzo took over the team from former owner Anthony "Koots" DiCesare. Picozzo has appealed the $20,000 fine, but that appeal has already been rejected.
Owner defiant after USHL team fined for putting players on plane instead of bus

Should the league have fined Picozzo $20,000 in this situation

Yes, rules are rules8213.7 %
No, an exception should have been made45275.3 %
Not sure6611 %
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