Contending Team Officially Out on Corey Perry After Internal Investigation

Tyler Ball
January 11, 2024  (5:25 PM)

Corey Perry warming up for a home game with the Chicago Blackhawks at the United Center.
Photo credit: X

Since being officially allowed to talk to teams after a meeting with Commissioner Gary Bettman several teams have inquired about Corey Perry. Today a couple of new reports have indicated that teams are doing their own investigations before deciding to pursue Perry further. One team has even ruled out the idea altogether.

NHL Insider Confirms Teams Interested In Perry Doing Their Investigations

Although Perry has been cleared by Gary Bettman interested teams are still doing their due diligence when it comes to Perry. ESPN reporter and NHL insider Emily Kaplan confirmed several teams are interested in pursuing Perry.
On Corey Perry... several teams are exploring signing the veteran for the second half of the season.

Not sure if it will happen, but there's interest. I know at least one team doing major due dilligence to see if there were other incidents besides what happened in Chicago.
Another report has come in that has ruled out one of the NHL's best teams this season from signing Perry. The report says the team is not even discussing the option of signing Perry to their team.

Contending Team Rules Out Bringing In Perry

A report from Rick Dhaliwal of The Vancouver Athletic dug into the interest of the Vancouver Canucks when it comes to Corey Perry. The Canucks find themselves in a playoff spot and in need of some more forward depth. Despite this Dhaliwal has confirmed the team is not going to discuss signing Corey Perry at this time.
Dhaliwal also says as of today, Canucks aren't discussing Corey Perry.
While this doesn't rule the Canucks completely out of the running for Perry it does mean they are not going to be considered a front-runner at this time. If Perry's signing will come quickly don't expect the Canucks to get involved.
As this process plays out it will be interesting to see if more teams decide to step away from Perry after conducting their investigations.
