William Nylander's Laughter During National Goes Viral

Published January 5, 2024 at 9:11
William Nylander went viral on Wednesday night, and likely Thursday morning, for something other than his contract or a trade rumour for possibly the first time in the 2023-24 season.

The moment Nylander went viral on Wednesday

For the performing of the American and Canadian national anthems on Wednesday, the Anaheim Ducks employed the musical talents of guitarist Dave Hill. He had fun playing up the anthems and had a few parts where he added extra emphasis and showmanship.

Nylander could not hold back smirking and smiling as Hill played up the musical sections to an exaggerated extent.


It is clear Nylander found the guitar play fun and probably a little silly, he most likely meant no disrespect, but it still is odd to see a player laugh during the anthem.

It can't be forgotten that despite the fact he was born in Calgary, he considers himself Swedish, and we can guarantee there was some World Juniors talk going around the locker room!

The Wednesday game between the Leafs and the Ducks

The Ducks and Leafs played a rather one-sided game that ended 2-1 in overtime. The Leafs dominated the shots, 57 to 28, as goaltender Lukas Dostal put on a show that night saving 55 shots in total.

Dostal set a record that game for franchise saves in a game.

As Read On Hockey Feed - William Nylander goes viral for laughing during national anthem