TRAGIC: Olympic Medalist Paralyzed After Accident On the Ice

Graham Montgomery
November 25, 2023  (6:06 PM)

The hockey world has been struck with another tragedy this week as Finish hockey star and two-time Olympic medalist Sanni Hakala was paralyzed from the waist down in what will likely be the last game of her career.

Finish Star Sanni Hakala Paralyzed After On-Ice Accident

The 26-year-old Finish forward was reportedly fighting for net front position when she lost her balance and hit the goal post head-on. She laid on the ice motionless for several long moments before paramedics eventually stretchered her off the ice. Given the serious nature of the injury, it should be seen as a positive update that Hakala had full consciousness and the ability to move her arms in the hospital.
Trigger warning: medical injury.
If you translate the post it says Sanni Hakala was injured in a game tonight.
Women's Hockey World on Insta says the Sweden Post says she is awake, breathing, can move her arms.
The following post has been translated from Swedish. It serves as a reminder that we should all talk about how these kinds of incidents make us feel. It is good for everyone's mental health to process these accidents the right way.
Today we are thinking of HV71's team captain Sanni Hakala who had a terrible accident in yesterday's meeting against

An extra thought to all the players and leaders in both teams who were there too. Don't forget to talk about your feelings about what happened - always good to process.
Hakala had 13 points in 16 games this season serving as HV71's captain. She has two Olympic bronze medals, two world champions bronze medals, and a world champions silver medal in her career.
