Truck Driver Responsible for St. Ignatius Bus Crash Charged w/ Level 5 Felony

November 15, 2022  (0:26)

Following up with an earlier story about the bus crash involving the St. Ignatius hockey team, the local police have issued an update on the charges facing the truck driver responsible.

Leaving 16 passengers injured - 3 of which were critically wounded - Victor Santos, the driver, was charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated and causing serious bodily injury, which is a Level 5 felony, per the Chicago Tribune.
According to prosecutors, Santos' bond has been set at $75,000.
The police reported that the semi-truck stopped less than a mile up the road after swerving into a ditch. Officers on-site "detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and in the cab of the semi," according to police.

Police also reported that they received prior notice of Santos' truck swerving and driving at excessive speeds and responded accordingly before he struck the bus chartering the St. Ignatius group. Further charges can still be lodged as more details are unearthed.
The school stated that the students will receive any necessary counseling they may need in dealing with the trauma, and a mass is scheduled for this week in support of the team.
