New calls emerge for the Chicago Blackhawks to change their controversial name

River Hawk
May 31, 2024  (8:51)

Chicago Blackhawks logo
Photo credit: NHL

After years of dormancy following their official statement, the Chicago Blackhawks are once again facing calls for changes to their controversial team name.

When the Chicago Blackhawks became a team with the Original Six, joining the NHL in 1926. However, nobody from back then could have predicted that nearly 100 years later, the team name and logo would be under constant scrutiny.
What was intended to be a symbol of respect for Chief Black Hawk has been viewed more as a symbol of racism than representation. Team leadership released an official statement in 2020, hoping to assuage people's concerns and bring attention back to the figure at hand.
"The Chicago Blackhawks name and logo symbolizes an important and historic person, Black Hawk of Illinois' Sac & Fox Nation, whose leadership and life has inspired generations of Native Americans, veterans and the public. We celebrate Black Hawk's legacy by offering ongoing reverent examples of Native American culture, traditions and contributions, providing a platform for genuine dialogue with local and national Native American groups. As the team's popularity grew over the past decade, so did that platform and our work with these important organizations. We recognize there is a fine line between respect and disrespect, and we commend other teams for their willingness to engage in that conversation. Moving forward, we are committed to raising the bar even higher to expand awareness of Black Hawk and the important contributions of all Native American people. We will continue to serve as stewards of our name and identity, and will do so with a commitment to evolve. Our endeavors in this area have been sincere and multi-faceted, and the path forward will draw on that experience to grow as an organization and expand our efforts."
Despite their best efforts, the Chicago Blackhawks have been unable to avoid being part of the conversation of rebranding controversy. One popular and divisive sports reporter, Steve Maltepes, included the team in a list of those that did not rebrand over racism allegations. He concluded his post by claiming that doing any sports rebranding of this sort while others have not is ridiculous.
"So in 2024 you can call the Braves the Braves, the Chiefs the Chiefs, the Blackhawks the Blackhawks, but you can't call the Redskins the Redskins or the Indians the Indians.

You know what you can call that.

F****** INSANE.."
Despite the general pushback against Chicago's team name, many sports fans understand the team's statement, drawing a clearer line between honoring and offending.
With the legacy behind the team name, it is unlikely that the Chicago Blackhawks will rebrand anytime soon. Hopefully, they will use this conversation as another opportunity to redirect people to the historical significance and consider ways of improving their public relations.
