BREAKING: Ryan Reaves Showboats After Massive Fight

River Hawk
February 29, 2024  (10:02 PM)

Referee Attempting To Separate Reaves And O'Brien
Photo credit: X

This season is heating up, with fights on the ice becoming an almost expected occurrence. In today's game, one Toronto player had a huge takedown of a player from Arizona.

Ryan Reaves Celebrates A Huge Takedown

During the game this evening between the Maple Leafs and Coyotes, Toronto's own Ryan Reaves decided to drop his gloves once again. This time, he made a concerted effort in taking down Liam O'Brien late in the first period.
"Ryan Reaves gets the takedown on Liam O'Brien and lets everyone know 💪💪💪"
He made several clear shots against O'Brien, who could only put a few swings in. With only a height difference of one inch, this fight is a tremendous victory for Reaves, prompting some to call it his fight of the year.
Now reclaiming the status of a fighter, Reaves took the chance to showboat after being pulled away from O'Brien. This undoubtedly helped Toronto gather enough momentum to beat the Coyotes with a final score of 4-2.
