Creditor asks for Robin Lehner to be declared bankrupt by Swedish court, lawyer plans to appeal

TJ Tucker
December 6, 2022  (1:39 PM)

A strange situation has developed for NHL goaltender Robin Lehner in his home country of Sweden. Lehner, who is injured and won't be playing hockey this season, was a guarantor on a loan of $2.5 million Swedish Krona back in 2016, the equivalent of around $240,000 USD. The load was given to a company to build, among other things, a shelter in Sweden. That company has since filed for bankruptcy without paying back the loan. Creditors are now going after Lehner.

Lehner was not in attendance for a hearing regarding the matter last Wednesday. A judge has now ruled that Lehner is responsible for the money, which has ballooned to more than $5 million Swedish Krona, or just under $500,000 USD, due to interest. The lender in the case has asked the court to declare Lehner bankrupt, unless he pays the money back. The judge has agreed to that request.
"The hope was that Lehner would do the right thing by paying the debt, but this has not happened despite several attempts," said Jonas Edward, the lawyer for the creditor.
Lehner has since obtained a new lawyer in the case, who told AftonBladet he is definitely appealing.
"To me, it seems quite obvious that Robin Lehner is not insolvent," said Clas Jörgensen. "He has three years left on a contract worth a total of approximately SEK 150 million and has the ability to pay."
"In an insolvency assessment, you have to look ahead and it seems quite obvious that he has had the possibility to pay this. Therefore, he should not be declared bankrupt," Jörgensen added.
Jörgensen went on to say that Lehner has paid back some of the money, and the bankruptcy judgement by the court was made without his client being able to review the appropriate documents or before the case was examined on its merits.
SportBladet stated that it has asked for comment straight from Lehner on this matter, but can't get it.
"According to Clas Jörgensen, the star is at rehab camp after surgery and therefore difficult to reach," said the media outlet in its story.
Source: AftonBladet
