Huge Brawl Breaks Out in Handshake Line After Crazy Weekend (VIDEOS)

October 23, 2022  (11:07 PM)

This weekend's games against the University of Nebraska-Omaha and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks went off the rails after the latter half of a back-to-back. The story is wild, and it features some major disrespect on both sides.

The story begins at the end of the first game on Friday night. UAF wins in overtime, and continues to celebrate right in front of their opponent's bench. Immensely disrespectful. UNO's players just walked off the bench, paying little mind to their opponent's slight.
The following night, UNO wins in overtime; repaying the favor of piling up in front of UAF's bench. Eye for an eye, so they say.
Great coverage of the event from Spomer, here.
Here's where it all breaks down:

1) [UAF's] coach start MFing everyone, from the officials to UNO's coaches and immediately leaves the ice. He leaves the ice and isn't around for any of the remaining scrum.

2) The NCHC officials decide it's appropriate for the teams to shake hands after the game. Whether the teams shake hands is completely in their discretion. Reading the room, it was pretty clear it was best to skip it.

3) A UAF player grabs a UNO player in the handshake line and starts pushing. I thought it was UAF32 and UNO40 but I'm not sure and no video shows it. The refs break it up.

4) UAF11 grabs UNO26 from behind and throws a punch. It's all downhill from there.
What an absolute scene. Talk about bad blood.
The officials should have known better, here, no doubt. Especially after the back-to-back displays of disrespect we just witnessed. Hugely entertaining affair, however.
