BREAKING: Massive Suspension Handed Out to Player Who Broke Referee's Arm

TJ Tucker
November 22, 2023  (2:45 PM)

It's definitely a long suspension, although considering the circumstances, he's lucky it's not a lifetime ban.

Casper Gilberg Gets Huge Punishment for Breaking Ref's Arm

In a game in Sweden over the weekend, 22-year-old Casper Gilberg hit a referee who was not ready for it at all. The official went crashing into the boards and had to be taken to hospital for a broken arm.

While Gilberg initially said it was the referee's fault for getting in the way, he wa later remoreseful, saying he was ashamed at what happened. Now, he has a long suspension to go with his shame, as the league's disciplinary committee says he can't play again until after December 31st, 2024.
"All in all, a unanimous committee finds that Casper Gillberg should be suspended for the following reasons: - Showed total indifference to the safety of the referee, when he chooses, with reckless force, to complete a hit against a referee even though he is aware that it is a referee he is hitting."

Breaking a Referee's Arm Leads to Long Suspension in Sweden

Long story short, the committee also felt the hit was intentional. although Gilberg initially tried to say it was an accident. The committee also said Gilberg was treated as a repeat offender because he was suspended for six weeks last season for an illegal hit on an opponent.
