NHL Referee Assists Boston Defender On Breakout And People Are Not Happy

April 16, 2022  (7:39)

Referees, who are neutrally appointed law enforcement, are often place in difficult positions where they need to act swiftly. Sometimes they end up getting in the way of play & other times they end up ruining one team's flow.

And then there is this:

In this video, the referee (who shall remain nameless) literally gives the Boston D a breakout assist. Instead of simply evacuating his immediate position, he clearly provides one team with an advantage in their breakout, & forces the other team, who probably would have maintained OZ possession into a defensive position.

Now, the referee was place in a tough spot & probably just made an error in judgment; he likely knew it right away. However, this does not absolve him of poor is kind of his job to have good judgment, one could argue.

That said, short of having money on Boston I don't think there's much to get hooked on here. Just a poor decision by stripes that we now get to roast.