NHL Seeking 30-Year Commitment from Coyotes

June 2, 2022  (7:25 PM)

With the Arizona Coyotes pleading their case for a new arena in Tempe, AZ there is much talk about the team & its future. League Commissioner Gary Bettman expressed his full support for their proposition but has conditions in exchange.

The 30-year no-relocation clause would keep the Arizona Coyotes in Tempe or Arizona for a very long time. That would effectively kill any conjecture of the team re-locating to Quebec, Houston or another city anytime soon.

There is still much to be agreed on with this deal, so expect more news to come from this saga. The team is currently in talks with the city of Tempe to finalize plans for a new entertainment/stadium complex. It is expected to quite the grand endeavor, so its certainty possesses much speculation.